CalcBuilder Forum

Access database

User anonymous 2011-10-18 21:51:24


I need to build a calculator that can take dynamic data from a database
is this possible with your module or is this something that you can build
for me

Moonsoft support 2011-10-18 21:51:49


it's possible to recover data from db to use at calculations. In code you
can write php code to access database.

User anonymous 2011-10-18 21:52:11


Do you have any examples of the php code used to access a database field
from your module? I will try to do it myself first. If I get stuck I may
give you the work !

Moonsoft support 2011-10-18 21:52:37

we have not a full functioning example of database access, but you can get it easily. The module works with standard php, so you should search for the use of the collection of functions mysql_connect mysql_query... and it should work for you. If you google something like
php mysql select you will find a lot of working examples that you can check to build your code.


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