CalcBuilder Forum

Urgent: email with all the detail

User moon_731 2012-10-05 15:20:23

Hi there,

I hope you can reply me ASAP as i am in a rush to finish this.
My web is:

Could you please guide me how do i get all the information from what they fill in including name, package detail to my email instead of just the total result? Currently in preference i have request to send an email of result to my email but it is only the result i received. How do i get calcbuilder to email with the break down detail and result?


Moonsoft support 2012-10-05 15:32:20

by default, result section is the only content included at the export (email, pdf or excel). If you want to include the input form as well, copy your input layout (or any other content needed) at 'Print preferences', at the field titled

HTML before calc results on PDF, excel, mail

This section will be included before the output at your emails

Hope this helps, regards

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