CalcBuilder Forum

UTF-8 format

User anonymous 2011-10-18 21:41:50

Hola Chicos,

Me gustaría saber cómo guardar el cálculo de UTF-8 idiomas. Cuando se guarda en el texto de un PDF y XLS es distorsionada!


Moonsoft support 2011-10-18 21:42:20

would you mind to send us a link to your calculator? We would like to check it and test how pdf/xls export are showing your output.

Thank you,

User anonymous 2011-10-18 21:42:36

Dear Sirs,

My project is still offline and I can not send the link to you!

I'm taking out all accents and special characters of text.

I tried the code to change the word ANSI UTF-8 and could not find!

Maybe when putting the project on the host it is resolved!

Thank you for your response and my congratulations on your extension! It is excellent!

Moonsoft support 2011-10-18 21:42:53

thank you for your feedback!
If you are still working on localhost, maybe you could send us an exported pdf, just to see what are you getting. This way maybe we could send you a solution before going live, (although we are almost sure we would find it afterwards anyway).

User anonymous 2011-10-18 21:43:19

I am sending an image of the excel file when exported!

Note the markings what is happening with words with accents "'" and with special characters "ç". This is happening both in the Matrix when the results!

The same problem was also happening in the PDF but I did a test now and could not be ...

Another issue: I'm trying to put a questionnaire in which the user would choose one of several options. How to do it without the OPTION LIST? Radio buttons are not appropriate for this. And do not get the YES / NO. I could explain or send some examples. XML?

Hugs all around!

Moonsoft support 2011-10-18 21:43:49


PDF and excel could have troubles with encoding (maybe could be solved), but you told us the error is also in matrix in frontend. So, could this problems is refears to page encoding? In order to see it in our pc´s, can you send us the source of the page (from browser)?

About second issue, to choose one of several options we recommend option list. But, if you don´t want to show a select or a radio button, what kind of view do you want to see? can you send us an example?

Thanks. Regards,

User anonymous 2011-10-18 21:44:13


Firstly, thank you for the attention that is giving my problems. Never before had acquired Joomla extensions and received a helpful and friendly support as well. Thank you so much!

Let the problems:

I am sending 3 files for you:

1 - calcbuilder.xls21.xls --> is an Excel file and how I'm getting the special characters. Is it in case I change some files of the component or module for UTF-8 or something?

2 - codigofontepagina.txt --> is a file. TXT page that generates the Excel file.

3 - radiobutton.png --> is an image I want to do using the CalcBuilder. Is it possible?

4 - I would like to make a field such as: number set to receive even numbers only. To explain: If a user tries to put a number of different character he could not. The field is number and he tries to put there "ab., Cd-ef ..." button does not print. It will print only even numbers!

Is it possible?

Again, thank you!

Moonsoft support 2011-10-18 21:44:34


We see your page is in utf-8 and this is the normal charset. In fact we test calcbuilder in this charset. The data wich is not shown properly is stored in database. Can you see what´s your database encode? maybe in phpmyadmin or similar.
Also we review pdf code file and we use utf8_decode function to convert UTF-8 in ISO-8859-1, and about excel, ussually excel convert all characters correctly. But in web matrix frontend code are directly taken from database, so you could check in jos_calcbuilder_matrix table value column if it´s ok.

I´m sorry, calcbuilder shows select and not radiobuttons. You can do changes in modules/mod_calcbuilder/tmpl/default.php in order to change select by radiobuttons.

Making validation is possible but I think is more difficult because fields are dynamically inserted, but If you know something about joomla validation you can do it yourself in the file above.

If you are interested, we could make custom changes to your component.

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