CalcBuilder Forum

No result box, PDF, Print option and non working calculate button

User moon_558 2012-06-07 14:27:06

Could someone please explain what is going wrong here? I can't get the results nor is the calculate button working here. Also its seems like the PDF / Print button won't work (when selecting the template)

Is there also an option to rename the calculate button etc.?

Moonsoft support 2012-06-07 16:34:16


We checked your page and we found conflicts with jQuery. Specifically, cookie alert module use jquery script without using jQuery.noConflict(); to prevent conflicts with mootools.

Hope this helps. Regards,

User moon_558 2012-06-08 11:01:58


Ok. Im not a programmer but are you trying to say I have to disable cookie alert?

I would like to get this fixed and would like you guys to create the form soon. Just waiting for customer input. Is there a workaround to make this work?

Moonsoft support 2012-06-08 13:59:27

jQuery is a javascript library which conflicts with core joomla library mootools (the one we use for CB). In order to have both of them working at the same page, each component including the jquery library should add this line of code after the library declaration:


Otherwise, script will crash and the rest of scripts won't execute. So, we suggest first to confirm if this is really the problem at your page, disable for a while that extension and try again the calculator, if it starts to work properly, then you'll be sure the jquery is causing a conflict.

Then you should place the noconflict line at the plugin code (we can't be more specific here because it's not our source). Just below the line adding the jquery library, the noconflict line should appear. We suggest to ask your plugin support to locate the file which should be modified.

Hope this helps, regards

User moon_558 2012-06-09 00:02:25

Thanks, that was indeed the problem. I can switch the cookie module off for this page and then it works. Will check the code later to see if the suggested adjustment works.

If I would like your assistance creating the form, do you guys want me to send an example form in XLS and an example of the export in PDF? Just wondering how it works.

Moonsoft support 2012-06-09 10:46:30

glad it worked. Yes, to ask for the custom calculator service, we'd need the calculator specs (an excel file is perfect for us to understand what is needed), and an example of the pdf export. We'd send to your email your calculator ready to import. In case you're interested, you can send the info to the custom requests email you can find below.
Thank you, regards

User moon_558 2012-06-26 20:33:42

Hi, ive send out the request yesterday. Didnt receive an confirmation so i hope it arrived? What is the average development time for a form build by you guys?

Thanks in advance!



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