CalcBuilder Forum

Migrating to joomla 5

User yolknet 2024-11-20 12:41:48

I'm trying to migrate a joomla 3 website (with hikashop/calcbuilder) to joomla 5.

I have a working website now (some tweaking on the template still needed) but I can't get the calcbuilder to work.
I can install up to version 5.1.0, anything higher has the error 'duplicate column name prefix.'. See attached screenshot.

However, version 5.1.0 should be working. But I can't get it to work. I have checked all settings for the calculator, the connected excel sheets are on the server, but something is not working.

Can you have a look for
1. the installation of versions above 5.1.0 and
2. why the calculator is not working.

Thanks a lot!

Moonsoft support 2024-11-21 09:36:22

we're trying to check your configuration because the plugin wasn't showing on the product page, and we found there is a problem with the migration/installation of the hikashop Calcbuilder plugin. If we try to enter the configuration it throws the error:

An error has occurred.

0 The file hikashopcalcbuilder.xml could not be found.

As a first step, can you please double check if the plugin files are present and that they have enough permissions to be accessed by the backend? You can try again once the plugin is running and we can continue the debugging from there if it still doesn't show on the page.

In the meantime we're trying here the upgrades following your same version sequence, we'll update again with our findings.

Silvia Martín
Moonsoft Team

Moonsoft support 2024-11-21 15:53:54

regarding version upgrades, this message means that maybe you have rolled back from a mayor version, or, that any upgrade threw any problem and you have that column already created at your database when it should not be there according to your current version. We have just uploaded a new version that takes into account this situation and must let you finish your upgrade to the latest release, please let us know if you still have any problem.

Best regards
Silvia Martín
Moonsoft Team

User yolknet 2024-11-22 10:29:19


I was able to install the latest version now with the update, great work!

The plugin is present now, but I think it is the version from joomla 3. Somehow the plugin is not updated. It makes the backend unusable.
Is it a plugin that needs to be installed seperate from the component? If so, where can I find it?
(it has been a while since our last attempt to get this migration to work, so not sure anymore which steps are taken before).

Thanks a lot for your support!

Moonsoft support 2024-11-22 12:08:04

yes, the plugin is not installed by default, but it's included at the package so you can find inside a that will install the plugin separatedly. For your case, given that you maybe come from a previous version or partial installation, we can fix it if you can provide a ftp access. We'll upload manually a version that will help to correct the actual problem and from that point you should be able to use the default versions, both for the main component or the plugin.

Thanks, regards
Silvia Martín
Moonsoft Team

User yolknet 2024-11-25 10:15:37


I created a ftp account for you, info in the private data.

Moonsoft support 2024-11-25 10:47:25

thanks, we are trying to enter the ftp but it doesn't connect, can you please recheck the access and also confirm if we should use any other port than default?
Thanks, regards
Silvia Martín
Moonsoft Team

User yolknet 2024-12-02 15:26:37


I;ve tested the ftp login with filezilla and it connects without problem. Standard FTP protocol, standard port (21).
Can you please check again?

Moonsoft support 2024-12-03 12:03:58

sorry, tested again but no luck from here. You may have any server restriction, we've seen for ex some servers not allowing connections from different countries or restricting per IP.

If you're not sure how to solve, maybe you could access yourself and try to remove the plugin folder


so hopefully we can regain control of the backend and launch a fix installer from there.

Silvia Martín
Moonsoft Team

User yolknet 2024-12-09 12:48:51

I have removed the folder from the server. Backend is working again. If you could take a look and install the plugin that would be great :-)

Moonsoft support 2024-12-10 09:57:30

Ok, thank you. We have now completed the plugin installation, and it should be working normally with the hikashop products, please try also from your side to confirm.

Silvia Martín
Moonsoft Team

User yolknet 2024-12-11 11:52:18

Yes, it works now, thanks a lot for the great support!

Moonsoft support 2024-12-11 15:12:47

That's great, thank you, we close the ticket with this solution, please open a new one in case you find further issues.

Silvia Martín
Moonsoft Team

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