CalcBuilder Forum

Duplicate ticket and automatically closed?

User TheFencepedia 2024-11-11 20:52:40


Just submitted a ticket about the duplicate entries on my form, and I see IT has now been duplicated here, and automatically closed?

I still need help with this. I need to get these calculators setup and live.

Here's the video again.

If your system is based on Calcbuilder, then it looks like it's doing something similar here too.

User TheFencepedia 2024-11-12 22:31:02

Hi again.

I exported the affected calculator and imported it again, and on the imported version, there is no duplicate inputs. So we can close this one.

I still need to know why it's not working on your latest update though, and I cannot install the update on my live site. So that still needs to be fixed.

Moonsoft support 2024-11-13 09:44:19

well, it's true that sometimes we manually close duplicated tickets, because some users open the same subject several times, but this is not the case. The system has not duplicated your thread, because the second one is being inserted almost an hour later, so we think maybe you refreshed the page afterwards or something similar, sending the same message twice, (not sure why it was showing closed though, as we have not closed any ticket regarding your user).

This forum has nothing to do with the Calcbuilder extension (this site is not even a Joomla site), so your problem with the duplicated options must have been a different issue in your specific site. Hard to tell without an access and no way to reproduce here, but maybe any file not loading, database records migrated from another version...if exporting/importing does the work, then we'd suggest to save again the fields on the 'working' one just to ensure it doesn't happen again, that would point out to a script not loading properly or conflicting with any other at that page.

Now the about pending issue (calculator not working on latest version), it should be easier to find, but we'd need you to export the affected calculator, and attach it to the proper ticket (we'll follow this support thread on ticket #4769), we'll test it in the latest version and we'll let you know our findings.

Best regards
Silvia Martín
Moonsoft Team

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