CalcBuilder Forum

All PDF's titled "calcbuilder"

User TheFencepedia 2024-07-12 17:18:50


This is probably a simple answer, but is there some way to stop all the spreadsheets from being titled "calcbuilder?" Whenever a PDF is generated and you open it online, the name on the tab is calcbuilder.

I thought about changing the folder for PDF storage, but before I do that, I'd like to confirm that it will fix the problem, and that there's nothing else I need to do?


Moonsoft support 2024-07-12 17:49:43

the folder name won't affect the file name. We have added a tweak that allows to change the output name, please download latest version and change/overwrite the following translation string:


For the file name you'd like to see at the pdf tab.

Hope this helps, regards
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