CalcBuilder Forum

Invalid Token

User TheFencepedia 2024-07-10 20:57:06


My calculator has started given "invalid token" instead of a drawing. Sometimes it also gives me an image of the form instead of the drawing. Can you please advise what is causing that?

Also. I tried to use the phone number mask for the phone field, and it displays incorrectly. Instead of the brackets around the first three digits, it gives one bracket after number 3, and then the opening bracket is at the end.

The date field option also displays the calendar, but when you select a date, it does nothing.

Can you please advise why that's not working too?

I'm trying to get ONE calculator built so I can just use it as a template for the others, but I do need to fix these issues.

Moonsoft support 2024-07-11 09:59:46

the token is a mandatory field that must be included in any Joomla form, it's the security field that avoids robots to send unlimited submits of any form from outside your environment. If you load the page at your browser, the security token must be there, but if you have installed or enabled any layer of cache and its wrongly caching this value, then the token may have expired at the time you're using it. The extension is not able to serve 'an image of the form' either, so we suggest to check any new setting you have enabled regarding caching or 'optimization'.

Regarding dates, we have corrected the date format you had at your calculator settings, (maybe imported from a previous version,), to a valid one and then the date field returns the proper value.

Finally, the mask settings have some changes included at the latest version, please upgrade and try it again to confirm if its working as expected.

Best regards
Moonsoft Team


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