CalcBuilder Forum

Cannot create new Calc Builder Module in Module Manager Joomla 2.5

User moon_424 2012-04-11 07:06:13

I am attempting to insert my very first "cost calculator" i've created into my webpage. Using Joomla 2.5, I go into the Module Manager and click Add but I do not get an option to select 'Calc Builder' as a module type. If I can't create a Calc Builder module and set a position, then I can't insert my calculator into an article using the {loadposition XX} either. Am I missing something or can someone help me please?

Moonsoft support 2012-04-11 09:59:58

yes, your steps seem right. You should be able to create a new module typed Calcbuilder when selecting 'new' at module manager. And if module is installed, you should already see one module typed Calcbuilder created. Please double check you succesfully installed both component and module from the installation package. It looks like you have installed com_calcbuilder but no mod_calcbuilder file.
If reinstalling module doesn't solve your issue, please let us know and paste your exact joomla version (2.5.X)

Best regards


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