CalcBuilder Forum

Some values are incorrect

User BPC2022 2023-06-16 09:25:29

Im having a weird problem with my calculators. When I copy a calculator to change pricing. I have an issue where the option lists are out of order or they are showing in the front end "Some values are incorrect"

The fields havent changed just the pricing in the database. Im not sure what Im doing wrong here. Ive changed the database on the original file and all is working fine. Its only when i save the calculator and import it again with a new name that this happens.

Moonsoft support 2023-06-16 14:00:36

we understand you have exported, imported, and then uploaded a different excel file right? We suspect there must be any configuration setting that is not being loaded, like any default value for ex because that message suggests any data validation failing. We'd like to take a look to that calculator page in order to track events and find out which is the setting causing this. You can place a private ticket at the helpdesk sharing an access if you don't want to publish your site url here.

Thanks, regards

User BPC2022 2024-01-02 01:42:13

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you on this. The problem is still occurring. It is only happening with fields that are Option Lists. If I add a new field or import an updated version of the calculator it adds a numeric value in the advanced tab of the options lists. To fix the problem, I have to change the option list to a number and delete the numerical values which have appeared and then re-save as an option list.

I have recreated the fields to ensure that that its not a problem with the initial setup of the field and if I do that, the next option list develops the same issue. In some instances, I can have two or three field do this.

Is anyone else having this problem. I dont understand why saving the new settings keeps going south.

Moonsoft support 2024-01-02 10:01:53

we are not able to reproduce that weird behavior here, and we have not been reported about any other installation with same issue, so we'd like to check your site to discard any javascript conflict that may be causing the options to change dynamically in any way. Please open a new ticket at the helpdesk, sharing an access and the specific action we should do to see the problem happening, we'll debug directly there and we'll see where the issue comes from.

Thanks, regards

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