CalcBuilder Forum

Changing the Exit Layout look and feel

User moon_336 2012-03-27 22:49:27

I have tried all suggestions in various threads as well as attempted my own solutions to change the Exit Layout.

Nothing seems to work.

Please advise.

Moonsoft support 2012-03-28 10:16:35


It´s difficult to see what´s the problem without more info. We try to explain the process and what could be the problem.

You can configure exit layout with an HTML editor, so you can change look and feel at this time. But, in fact, when you see this html at frontend you can see slightly different. This is because of css is applying to the content. One of the css applying is Module default.css (JOOMLA/modules/mod_calcbuilder/assets/css/default.css) and, of course, the template css.

You can try to see what stylings css is applying using Firebug or similar tools.

Hope this helps. Regards,

Moonsoft Team


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