CalcBuilder Forum

Hikashop - Button from Calc Builder plugin not showing

User moon_998 2018-10-11 19:17:16

I had got this working in the past, but now I can't get it to work correctly.

My 'Get Quantity' button will not show on my page. My fields all show, but no button.

When 'Show button' is off in the plugin, changing the quantities on the calculator does nothing.

There must be something I'm forgetting to do, but I can't figure it out so far.

Thanks for your help.

Here's my system info if it helps:

PHP Version: 7.1.15
Web Server: Apache
Joomla! Version: Joomla! 3.8.12 Stable
Hikashop: HikaShop Business 3.5.1
Calc Builder: 3.3.22
Hikashop Calcbuilder Plugin: 3.3.22

User moon_998 2018-10-11 22:52:32

Actually now I went and turned off 'Import jQuery framework' in the component and the button shows, but it now shows TWICE nearly right on top of each other.

At this point, trying to submit anything to the cart results in a blank page.

The url of the blank page ends in "product/updatecart.html".

What might be the problem at this point?

Moonsoft support 2018-10-12 22:24:09

Hi,that seems any kind of conflict with any other script at the page,but in order to confirm we'd need to debug directly at your site. Please place a private ticket at the helpdesk sharing an access and we'll let you know how to solve.
Thanks, regards

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