CalcBuilder Forum

Imbedding in articles

User shaundobie 2018-07-18 17:46:26


Can you please explain the process to imbed a calculator into an article. I have tried setting the module position to myposition and then entering the following code directly into the article: {loadposition myposition}.
This displays the article but it doesn't seem to transfer its computational ability. When the "calculate" button is pressed nothing happens.
Is there another method I can use?

Moonsoft support 2018-07-19 10:09:00


in fact that is the right way to do it, if you can see the Calc Builder form , the loadposition is working. If the calculate button is pressed and you don't see any result, probably the issue is in code section. We suggest to review this part checking the code syntax. If you can't get it working, you can create a new private ticket at the helpdesk sharing your url where we can try and we'd confirm where the problem is.


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