CalcBuilder Forum

Date difference

User shaundobie 2018-07-18 17:42:19


I am experiencing trouble finding the difference between two dates. I have tested the code on other php editors and it has worked fine.
The code I have used is as follows:
$ysp = $tax_2018->diff($DofP);

DofP is a date input field. I am trying to find the number of years between 2018-4-5 and the date entered into DofP.
Any help would be appreciated.

Moonsoft support 2018-07-19 10:14:32

the right way to do it would depend on the date format you set for your input field. We suggest to try to convert it directly into a date

$ysp = $tax_2018->diff(date_create($DofP));

in case you have set that same date format you're using for the fixed date "2018-4-5"

Hope this helps, regards

User shaundobie 2018-07-19 14:14:15

That did the trick, many thanks.


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