CalcBuilder Forum

Send Form Results Error

User moon_338 2012-03-05 11:50:04

Hi, this is the 1st time I have used ver 2.0 you have done a great job of adding the features we needed from ver 1.

When I tick Send Form Results in Preferences I get the following error on calculation

Warning: file_get_contents() : URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /homepages/40/d406059736/htdocs/samsungehs/components/com_calcbuilder/models/calcbuilder.php on line 322

Warning: file_get_contents( : failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /homepages/40/d406059736/htdocs/samsungehs/components/com_calcbuilder/models/calcbuilder.php on line 322

The email is being sent and I am receiving it okay, just need to remove the error file.

User moon_338 2012-03-05 13:32:44

I should also point out that I have tried a php.ini file to switch on url file get functions but 1 and 1 doesnt seem to support that.

Moonsoft support 2012-03-05 13:41:04


Line 322 in components/com_calcbuilder/models/calcbuilder.php is used to add stylesheet to email. If your server doesn´t support this feature you can comment line 322 and adding a line to declare $stylesheet empty as follow:

$stylesheet = '';
//$stylesheet = file_get_contents(JURI::base().'modules/mod_calcbuilder/assets/css/'.JRequest::getVar('style'));

Or if you want to use any stylesheet in mails you can change
$stylesheet = '';
by the css code you want
$stylesheet = '.style{border:1px solid...}';

Hope this helps. Regards,

Moonsoft Team


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