CalcBuilder Forum

Warning: array_diff_assoc() [function.array-diff-assoc]

User moon_318 2012-02-26 07:26:18

When I use the Simple Calculator the correct sum is given but I keep getting the follwing message:
" Warning: array_diff_assoc() : Argument #1 is not an array in /home/*****/public_html/ on line 612 "

I changed the global system error reporting to simple but no change.


Moonsoft support 2012-02-26 13:02:49


This issue seems to be an error of joomla version. Take a look at:

We think the issue could be resolve by 2 ways:
- Applying patch according to JoomlaCode or upgrading joomla if there´s any version higher.
- or trying to Disable Cache. Go to Extension/plugin Manager and disable System - Cache plugin.

Hope this helps. Regards,

Moonsoft Team


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