CalcBuilder Forum

No result shown in my Joomla template

User immoregie 2017-08-04 16:28:33

I had the older version of Php on 1 site (which work perfectly)
Installed ne the Calcbuilder on my new website and no result is shown event with a single input / output text... could you help me on that `??


I removed all useless plugin on the website...

Working prefectly with my other site:

Moonsoft support 2017-08-05 08:37:34


The main difference is that jquery is not loaded in your new site. You can set 'Import jQuery framework' = Yes in your calculator preferences and try again.


User immoregie 2017-08-07 10:41:41

Hi thanks for quick answer..
Seem it has fixed the issue I created a new test with saving the JQuery.. but saddly now i ve this message with MPDF issue. I m sure it s a easy fixup and you had allready such issue..

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; mPDF has a deprecated constructor in /home/clients/d01dbe59ead1000f12046af47cbb6768/web/components/com_calcbuilder/views/calcbuilder/mpdf/mpdf.php on line 89

Thanks for your next HELP

Moonsoft support 2017-08-07 10:59:58

yes, that message is thrown by the mdpf library included with calcbuilder, we expect with the next upgrade of the mpdf this message will dissapear. But you shouldn't be seeing that message at a production site, as its a warning message that never should be visible to users. Please double-check your joomla system configuration ->'error level' setting. It should be saved to a value where those messages are never printed, please try to set this setting to a lower error level and try again.

Thanks, regards

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