CalcBuilder Forum

Google seo and bounce rate

User mehmethocam1 2017-04-10 10:30:34

The calculator button does not refresh the page. How can we provide the page refresh by clicking the Calculate button?

Is there a way to do this?

Because the google analystic bounce rate is very low. If the page is refreshed, the bounce rate increases. This can be very useful for Google Seo.


Moonsoft support 2017-04-11 08:41:53

that's right, the calculator function does not refresh the page, as data is recoveded using ajax. You could force a full page refresh at the calculator click, adding some js, but we think this has no sense as you will loose all your form inputs/results when page refreshes.


User mehmethocam1 2017-04-12 13:04:12

Thanks a lot.

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