CalcBuilder Forum

Module position

User anonymous 2011-10-18 20:30:21

I did not know why, but the calculator only works in position "left"
or "right", but not in "user2" or "user3", from - JT014

Moonsoft support 2011-10-18 20:30:45

you must take into account not all templates contain all standard
positions. If you select one position not included in your template, module
won't be shown. If your template don't allow the position you want to
include your module, you have other option, to define your custom position
and to include it inside an article at the place needed. The steps:
- Define the position as 'mycustom', writing a name instead of selecting
between the proposals.
- Create an article, and at the place you want the module to appear,
write {loadposition mycustom}

It is a common joomla practice, here the official information about this

Hope this helps


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