CalcBuilder Forum

Tables not exported to PDF

User reconice 2017-02-06 07:29:37

hi there,
I am trying to put results into a table.
I created a table using PHP in the code section. It shows up correctly on scree, but the table and its content are not exported in PDF.
I also tried to use the Print Preferences putting results into a table inside the HTML after calc results section, but again the table does not show up in pdf.
Is there a way to export in PDF a format for input and results that is not plain text?
Thank you,

Moonsoft support 2017-02-06 12:17:01

yes, the pdf is able to use html to configure its contents. Can you please double check if print-preferences configuration is being properly saved?. You need to switch to the subtab 'pdf' (default is for email), and then add any content there, including input and/or output and/or content at the html section. Ensure these settings are recovered when you come back to this option. If you can see the settings saved and the pdf is not including any content you can export your calculator, zip the xml and attach it to a private ticket at the helpdesk, we'll check your configuration here and let you know if there is any setting missing.

Thanks, regards

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