CalcBuilder Forum

Using calc builder as part of the main code in the main HTML of a page in a bootstrap tab

User andreww 2016-07-18 06:10:04

Never mind. I figured it out.

Is there a way to insert the calculator into a bootstrap tab in an article? Like this? I know other developers allow the insertion of shortcode into an article to display a module within an article, is there a shortcake facility with Calc Builder?

|¯¯PRICE¯¯¯¯¯\___|¯¯¯¯Another TAB¯¯¯¯\_

Description MSRP *

Falcon F5 System includes: Falcon F5 Receiver, Aurora 8.4” Touchscreen Display (Changes when different option is selected)
and 15 in. Falcon F5 Transmitter (Changes when different option is selected) Calculated VALUE (MSRP)

F Series Li-ion/NiMH charger with two Li-ion battery packs
Aurora 1.5” RAM mount on magnetic base and DC power cord
13” 90-degree TNC antenna
Carry cases – receiver and Aurora display
Operator's manuals on USB flash drive

(o) Aurora 8.4” Touchscreen Display (o) Aurora 10.4” Touchscreen Display (o) FCD
(o) 15 in. Falcon F5 Transmitter (o) 19 in. EXT Falcon F5 Transmitter

☐Trade In (If this option is selected, the calculated value is decreased by fixed value)

*Price may vary based on regional equipment requirements.

Using it in a module would not work very well in my layout.


Edited by andreww - 18.07.2016 06:11

Edited by andreww - 18.07.2016 06:14

Edited by andreww - 18.07.2016 06:56

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