CalcBuilder Forum

Images not visible in PDF

User moon_1306 2016-01-05 17:26:00

I have upgrade to CB 3.1.0, but this problem has existed in previous versions also.

When generating a PDF, images in the "HTML before calc results on PDF, excel, mail" section on the Print Preferences page are not visible in the PDF, but are visible in emails. In the PDF, they are replaced by a small box containing a red X. The HTML is

Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you,


User moon_1306 2016-01-05 18:35:45

I solved my own problem. My .htaccess file was set up to block any user with empty user agents, which was inadvertently blocking mPDF from displaying images in the PDF.

User moon_1306 2016-01-05 21:41:29

Unfortunately, I have a couple of remaining PDF issues.

1. Although the PDF displays in Firefox (with a PDF plugin), but it cannot be opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader (XI and DC; current versions). (I can send link via PM if needed).

Acrobat, the error message is: "Adobe Reader could not open 'calcbuilder.pdf' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)."

In Firefox, the error message is: "This PDF document may no be displayed properly"

In Internet Explorer, the error message is: "There is a problem with the Adobe Acrobat/Reader. If it is running, please exit and try again (0:104)"

In Chrome, the error message is: "Failed to load PDF document"

This is happening in versions 3.0.9 and 3.1.0 of Calc Builder, on two different computers.

2. How can I change the name of the pdf file from something other than "calcbuilder.pdf" which would be confusing to my customers?

3. How can I change the PDF document size from A4 to Letter (or US Letter) size?

Thanks in advance.


Edited by moon_1306 - 05.01.2016 21:45

Moonsoft support 2016-01-07 11:35:07

we've been trying to reproduce the issue 1#, but we have it working here, please place a private ticket at the helpdesk and share your url, we'll debug directly at your site to find out which is the origin of the problem.
Regarding pdf name and configuration, as they are not default parameters, you should change these settings directly at the pdf view. It's located here


about line 26-28 you will find the document size configuration for horizontal-vertical layout, and at line 44 the pdf file name.


User moon_1306 2016-01-07 14:59:01

Thank you for your response. I have created a ticket.

Your other suggestions worked great! For anyone who might need to make the same changes to PDF document size, you change A4 to Letter, an A4-L to Letter-L.


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