CalcBuilder Forum

load module in article

User moon_1601 2015-12-22 18:45:29

Thanks for the extension
When i load a calc module in an article (see: the calculator does not work.
The same calculator works when i create a menu item (see:
Can you help me?

Moonsoft support 2015-12-22 19:20:03

we can see there is a js error on the module page, caused by some strange character at the error translation messages, which are different from the menu one. We suggest to double check your language translation files, maybe the one for the module wasn't saved properly using the utf8 encoding.
(you can just copy and rename the one you use for the component/menu just to confirm)


User moon_1601 2015-12-23 13:02:06

I restored the default settings in the language, but I can not resolve this problem.
Moreover, this problem did not exist before i upgrade my template
Please, can you help me?

Moonsoft support 2015-12-23 13:18:19

we can still see your translated texts at the component page, the one that is not working shows greek translations for

VALUE_DECIMAL..etc, and, may seems the origin of the problem, at the text


we find some html and javascript tags, with ' and " which are breaking the format, you can check the texts if you use 'view source' and go to the line 235. Original translation is

CAPTCHA_VALIDATE = ERROR: Enter the code as it is shown.

but at your page we find a strange html link inside this text (the names are related to jqeasytooltip), if you have not added it, we suggest to ask to your template support, maybe they are adding some code replacement that is wrongly changing this text. Maybe the template has any option to disable this replacement.

Hope this helps, regards

I restored the default settings in the language, but I can not resolve this problem.
Moreover, this problem did not exist before i upgrade my template
Please, can you help me?

User moon_1601 2015-12-24 11:56:22

Thank you very much for your help.
I removed the extension that created the problem in your module and everything is now okay.
Happy new year!!!

Moonsoft support 2015-12-24 12:50:52

you're welcome! glad it worked
Happy new year!!!

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