CalcBuilder Forum

Bug report mod_calcbuilder

User moon_1859 2015-05-27 12:49:02


there's a html bug in mod_calcbuilder / temple / user.php: There is one "" too much - probably in my setup only...? I've deleted the "" in line 739 and everything went fine.

Also there's a couple of elements having twice attribute "class", e.g. line 714.

Best regards


Moonsoft support 2015-05-28 09:14:01

thanks for sharing. We have mixed all style classes of the buttons on a single tag, so it will be included for the next version, this shouldn't affect any function apart of the look of the buttons for VM/Hikashop. However, we don't have here at the latest code version that "" at line 739 and it doesn't throw any error...maybe you have an older/customized version of that php file?

Thank you very much, regards

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