CalcBuilder Forum

wrong display of side-a and -b positions

User moon_1601 2015-04-14 09:35:12

Recently I upgraded the Calc Build and also changed my teblate.
When i try to publish the calculator on my website, either as a menu item, either ar module, or inside an article, other modules which should be shown in a side-a or side-b positions appear below the calculator in the page.
Can you help me?
Apologize for my English

Moonsoft support 2015-04-14 10:08:34

we can think in any conflict with the names of the css classes used by the module and other section of your template. If you share an access to your page where we can see the issue we'll let you know how to fix (You can use private helpdesk in case you prefer to share your url there).

Thanks, regards

Moonsoft support 2015-04-24 08:18:50

I have exacly the same problem, could you help me please?

Moonsoft support 2015-04-24 08:57:25

this case was a conflict with the template sections, and was solved upgrading to the latest version of calcbuilder. Can you please confirm which version have you working at your site?

Thanks, regards

Moonsoft support 2015-04-24 11:24:02

I had 3.0.3, after updating everything is ok

Thank you

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