CalcBuilder Forum

send result to email

User alexanderich 2015-01-26 16:39:06

hi, and thanks for previous answers.

I have one last question.

when I send my results to my email with "Send form results to" in preferences, send only results in "exit layoyt" but I have the results that come out even with the command "echo" in "php code".
how can I send via email even this result?


Moonsoft support 2015-01-27 09:26:16

in fact, you're not supposed to use 'echo' instructions at php code, they will work only for the page, but not for email or export sections. You should assign instead a variable that you can print at your output:

Instead of

echo "Your message";

$yourmessage="Your message";

So ##yourmessage## can be printed at your output and will show also at email contents.

You can keep echo lines for the page, and add the new variables only for email, just add ##yourmessage## to 'print preferences' header or footer areas to add this output.

Hope this helps, regards

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