CalcBuilder Forum

Date field does not work in table

User moon_1796 2014-10-22 12:12:27


When inserting a date field in a table in form layout, it does not work for me; the calendar doesn't show up. It works fine when inserting the same field outside the table. I'm using safari browser. See , the section part.

If it is not possible getting the date-field to work inside the table, how do I make the date-field show up on the right of the field "belopp", without using a table?


User moon_1796 2014-10-22 12:17:35

The internet hang just when i posted this, why it seems to have been published for identical posts, sorry for this

Moonsoft support 2014-10-23 16:28:42


Calendar in sections doesn't work due to a bug (solved in 2.2.9 version) and not related to set input in HTML table. Please download latest version and upgrade component.

About set input in the right side of 'Belopp' text, without using HTML table, you could use bootstrap grid system ( or using divs with css style.

Hope this helps. Regards,

User moon_1796 2014-10-23 16:38:13


Actually, I recently downloaded the extension, and the date-field do works in the section when inserting outside the table. It seems to be the table that is the issue. Thanks for the other suggestion though, but I would rather have the datef-ield in a table if possible. Any suggestions?

Moonsoft support 2014-10-23 16:51:12


We're sure that this is not related with HTML table. We checked your site and js seems not being updated. Please download again and upgrade package (includes component and module).


User moon_1796 2014-10-25 13:18:48

Ok thanks for your support, I tried to download and install again and this time it worked. Guess I must have accidentally installed the old version last time i thought i installed the update.

So now the datefield in the section works, sorry to say though I immediately run into next problem. After having installed the update, I get the following message when asking my calculator to perform:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home4/carrling/public_html/components/com_calcbuilder/models/calcbuilder.php on line 181

I have not changed the code anything since I made the installation of the update, and it worked immediately before i installed it. Just to make sure, i tried to create a new calculator, performing an addition operation, but this one failed due to the same error. Another bug?


Edited by moon_1796 - 26.10.2014 15:04

Moonsoft support 2014-10-27 09:07:28


It was not a bug, it was a corrupted file in package. We uploaded the correct package.



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