CalcBuilder Forum

You can export your online quote now

User moon_1825 2014-10-04 13:22:52


where can i change the text:

You can export your online quote now! Use the pdf link below

Thanks a lot.

Moonsoft support 2014-10-06 09:05:07

you will find the information shown at the result section configured at 'exit layout' option of your calculator. It's a free html section where you can place any content needed together with your inputs/outputs or intermediate calculations.

Hope this helps

User moon_1825 2014-10-07 16:02:47

Thanks, that works fine ...
after sending the result to my Mail there´s a popup ... where can i configuere this ...
THX again ...

Moonsoft support 2014-10-08 09:36:42


You could change Error modal dialog at JOOMLA/modules/mod_calcbuilder/tmpl/user.php , line 484 (depends on version). It's div with id 'cb_error_modal'.

Also you should search for

CB( "#cb_error_modal" ).dialog

in same file, to see where is dialog opened.



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