CalcBuilder Forum

Updgrade path from version 2.0

User moon_357 2014-07-24 08:37:33

Hi, I have three calculators that I set up in version 2.0.0 and have just downloaded the latest version 2.2.5. I am having trouble upgrading in Joomla 2.5 and am wondering if there is an upgrade path I should follow or should I just remove the older verion of Calc Builder and do a fresh install of 2.2.5.?

Would appreciate any assistance.

Moonsoft support 2014-07-24 12:23:21

yes, if you launch the installer of version 2.2.5 it will throw you a warning message because that your actual version is too old to upgrade directly.

You can export your calculators to xml in order to keep a copy of your settings. Then uninstall and install the new version, and recover your calculators using 'import' option.

Then you will need to save the configuration of the calculators again in order to store the new parameters that have been added along the different versions. Also if you added any javascript code you will surely have to copy it at the new javascript tabs.

Please let us know if you need more help with this.


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