CalcBuilder Forum

show text when hovering over pdf icon

User moon_1618 2014-05-21 09:53:26


in my result layout I give my visitors the opportunity to save the result as a pdf file. It would be better if a text shows up when hovering over the pdf icon saying something like 'save the result as a pdf file'. Is it possible to add this function somewhere?



Moonsoft support 2014-05-21 10:52:08

you can try to add a defult 'title' to the image so a tooltip will show on hover.

At joomla\modules\mod_calcbuilder\tmpl\user.php

about line 632 you will find the pdf image, just add a title property with your preferred text.

Hope this helps, regards

User moon_1618 2014-05-21 11:19:07

Thanks Moonsoft Team, that worked!

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