CalcBuilder Forum

How to install Calc builder ??????????

User moon_1618 2014-05-12 12:59:19

I bought Calc builder and wanted to install it in Joomla, but didn't work. It seemed that I first had to unzip the zip file. In this zip file there are to new zip files: one for the component and one for the module. And there are two other files.
Question: what do I have to do now to get it all working in Joomla? Do I have to install both component and module, and what to do with the other two files?
I tried to install the component, but got an error message.
Please help me, I cannot find any manual about this part and I really want to use this component in my website.


Moonsoft support 2014-05-12 13:18:28

in order to install the extension you don't need to unzip or install separatedly the files, the download is a package, that automatically installs both component and module (same as if you unzip and install). Seems your server is throwing an error when installing the component, if you share the error message we can point you out which is the origin of the issue. Maybe you're facing any server restriction about size of the uploads allowed for your site, if this is your case, you can find information at the troubleshooting section of the quick guide (Page 2):

And at 'manual installation' at joomla docs:

Please let us know if you need further help to install at your server.

Thanks, regards

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