CalcBuilder Forum

Error on page

User onncycle 2011-11-18 11:54:35

I have installed the component and module and i have also uploaded some example files (calculations) from you webpage.
The problem is as follows. When i have opened a calculator i can not change anything. Even a the button save, matrix etc. do not work. it shows on the bottom "error on page"
There is also no result field displayed on the page. Also the export to pdf or excel does not work.

Hope you can help on that.

Thank you very much.



Moonsoft support 2011-11-18 12:03:53


We'd need more details to help you. Please send us joomla version, calcbuilder version and a screenshot of backend and frontend to .

Do you have a fresh installation of your joomla and calcbuilder or have you introduced upgrades recently?


Moonsoft Team

User onncycle 2011-11-19 12:11:51

Hi MSTeam
I had the error on the page 2 days long and now without doing anything it disappeared. The oder problem is that i do not have on all the uploaded example files from your page a result field. If i click the calculate button nothing happends. Also the field to send the Email does not work. Nothing happends. If i click on the excel and pdf export field nothing happends even the hand sign does not appears.

Thank you very much.

I work with Joomla 1.5.3. The version of the calc builder is the one i have bought from you without the latest update.


Ralph - onncycle

Moonsoft support 2011-11-21 12:14:52


If you see in frontpage, when finish loading, excel, email and pdf toolbar in calcbuilder, probably your page has a previous javascript error.

If you send us a link to your page we could verfy that this is the problem.


Moonsoft Team

User onncycle 2011-11-22 10:55:03

Hi Moonsoft team,
I found out the problem. An installed png fix plugin was the reason why. Now it works.

Thank you very much for your assistance.




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