CalcBuilder Forum

RE: Doesn't Calculate the given numbers

User moon_1437 2014-02-04 08:44:00


I would like to write up my issue in Calc Builder.. The problem is the calculator doesn't seems to work and doesn't calculate.

I made a sample calculator in my website:

I am looking forward to hear anything from you.


Moonsoft support 2014-02-04 09:52:21

we've been checking your site and from the front-end we see an empty response of the calculator so you have nothing printed at the output section, but no errors are thrown from this side. If you place a private ticket at the helpdesk and share an access to your backend, we'll take a look to let you know which is the origin of the issue.

Thanks, regards

User moon_1437 2014-02-05 03:00:15

I understand. Where can I send my private ticket for this case?

Moonsoft support 2014-02-05 09:37:41

in order to use the helpdesk, please use the customer access on top, and enter the helpdesk link. There you can create a private ticket where you can share your data.

Thanks, regards

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