CalcBuilder Forum

HTML Before/Aft and PDF - not working FireFox

User moon_1348 2013-11-26 06:13:35

Thanks for the great tool. I was able to accomplish my main goal within a few hours!

I have a few issues:
- The General tab and the Print Preferences Tab
- Html before and after boxes will not "save" data entered. When I enter data, click save, a moment later the page refreshes to have empty containers?
- I used the Form layout to enter Pre-form text, which works fine, except i would still like the PDF to work.

- PDF does not seem to make a proper PDF. Both my Adobe and 3rd party readers will not read the file. I receive
"Error opening document: "mpdf.pdf":
Error : Invalid file format

My biggest concern it to get the PDF working.

you can view and demo here

Joomla 3.1.5
Template: Joomla Art template Zite
JCK Suite 6.5.3
FireFox 25.0.1
IE 11

******** UPDATE **********

With continued testing I found the JCK Editor prevented the saving of input into the HTML Before/After sections. I switched to TinyMCE and it worked fine in IE and FireFox.

IE also has no issues with the PDF creation, but my FireFox still prevents a good file creation?



Moonsoft support 2013-11-26 16:17:36

firefox maybe is having problems to open the pdf because of the new built-in pdf viewer it uses, which is showing some limitations. You can check if the pdf is really well-formed selecting File->save your ff menu and opening the file with your default adobe reader for ex to ensure is a viewer problem. Also we suggest to turn the joomla parameters error reporting to 'none' for a while to make the test, to avoid any warning message being printed at the output, which can cause bad formed pdf content.



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