CalcBuilder Forum

Change pdf font size and table

User anonymous 2011-10-21 14:29:44

Hi Moonsoft team
I can't seem to find out where you change the export pdf matrix. The font size is 16px and I need to make it smaller because it's
overlapping and I need the width table wider too.

Thank you

Moonsoft support 2011-10-21 14:30:02

Hi ,

In order to change font size and table size for pdf you should change

Probably you are interested in $this->SetFont(...); lines and
$w=190/(count($colsNames)+1); in FancyTable function which is used to set
the width of the table shown. Also you can change page orientation: change
$pdf=new PDF(); to $pdf=new PDF('L');
If you want more info, visit

Hope this helps. Regards,

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