CalcBuilder Forum

Hide/Show form fields depending on select combo box

User moon_1227 2013-08-28 23:34:41

I just installed the example in my Joomla 2.5 site of"Hide/Show form fields depending on select combo box" and it doesn't do anything other then have a drop-down to select Text or Date. Once selected nothing happens. The file downloaded and imported is called Filtered_Sections.xml.

I'm trying to get a couple fields to show only if a check box is selected and was hoping this example would guide me in the right direction. Any ideas on how to get it working properly? The other examples seem to be working fine.

Moonsoft support 2013-08-29 10:22:42


We checked example an it was out of date. We rebuild and update example, so you could download it and import in your Calc Builder.
About what you are trying to get, you should change javascript in example in order to get if checkbox is checked. Here an example to check if checkbox is checked on click event:

var checkedValue=CB(this).attr('checked');
if (checkedValue=='checked'){
alert('not checked');

Hope this helps. Regards,


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