CalcBuilder Forum

Calc builder with sections

User moon_1206 2013-08-07 17:44:12

I have problem with validation of multiple sections.
I do not know too good php, and sorry for my english.

My code:

$result='SzerokośćWysokośćFelcKolor ramkiNazwa ProfiluOścieżnicaSkrzydłoIlośćUwagiTyp';

It is checked only the first section, after adding the next section code does not check it anymore.

Also do you have solution for send pdf by mail after click custom button which shows in "Exit Layouts", after calculation (something like submit button).

Please help.

User moon_1206 2013-08-08 16:19:46

I have problem with validation of multiple sections.
I do not know too good php, and sorry for my english.

My code:

$result='SzerokośćWysokośćFelcKolor ramkiNazwa ProfiluOścieżnicaSkrzydłoIlośćUwagiTyp';

It is checked only the first section, after adding the next section code does not check it anymore.

Also do you have solution for send pdf by mail after click custom button which shows in "Exit Layouts", after calculation (something like submit button).

Please help.

Please help with sendindg pdf via mail after click custom button (generated like in your example "Email_PDF_example".

Edited by moon_1206 - 08.08.2013 16:20

Moonsoft support 2013-08-08 17:04:46

please double check the first line of the for section, one + sign is missing from the last part


$i is in charge of incrementing the index to be checked, so it can be the origin of your issue.

About pdf generation, at this time can't be emailed AFTER the calculation has been shown. The example shows how to generate the pdf when calculate button is clicked, and email it attached, but it executed at the same time the rest of the calculations. In order to add a next step button with this function some custom code should be added.

If you're interested in a custom version, please place a ticket at the helpdesk, and we'll study which would be the best approach to get this.

Thank you, best regards

User moon_1206 2013-08-08 17:39:07

Thanks for answer.

About sections i have paste code without + , sorry.
Below is my code and still validation checks only first section.

Is this possible to add two mail adress for default send mail button?

$result='SzerokośćWysokośćFelcKolor ramkiNazwa ProfiluOścieżnicaSkrzydłoIlośćIlość w mkwTyp';
$result.=''.$mkw=($szerokosc*$wysokosc*$ilosc)/$metr.' mkw';

User moon_1206 2013-08-08 17:39:07

Thanks for answer.

About sections i have paste code without + , sorry.
Below is my code and still validation checks only first section.

Is this possible to add two mail adress for default send mail button?

$result='SzerokośćWysokośćFelcKolor ramkiNazwa ProfiluOścieżnicaSkrzydłoIlośćIlość w mkwTyp';
$result.=''.$mkw=($szerokosc*$wysokosc*$ilosc)/$metr.' mkw';

Moonsoft support 2013-08-08 22:27:59

saw you placed a helpdesk ticket, we'll continue support from there.

Thank you, best regards


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