CalcBuilder Forum

Calculator not working

User anonymous 2011-10-21 14:24:13


Published the module, but calculator button does nothing. Sent you attached how my page is showing.

Please, help.

Moonsoft support 2011-10-21 14:24:38


We try to simulate url Calc Builder calls but we get a strange result.

We write correct url but your site transforms it to a strange format,and send a 500 error.

Did you install any url rewriting component or plugin?
If you want, send us an user and password of administrator page and we can take a look at your site.

Thanks. Regards,

User anonymous 2011-10-21 14:24:51


It is working now. You are right. The thing causing trouble was sef
component that was changing the urls. I turned the rewriting off for the
calcbuilder component and now it is working.

Thanks for the help.

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