CalcBuilder Forum

CSS Class in fields tab

User moon_347 2013-08-04 11:49:17

Does the "css class" option box in the "fields" tab alter the look of the input form when viewed in the module on the page? Can I write custom CSS to override bootstrap and my template CSS?



Moonsoft support 2013-08-05 09:25:17


Does the "css class" option box in the "fields" tab alter the look of the input form when viewed in the module on the page?

Yes, 'css class' is added to input as part of class attribute.

Can I write custom CSS to override bootstrap and my template CSS?

Yes, you could use your custom css. First, you should disable the use of bootstrap in preferences.

- If you use Calcbuilder as module, you should add {loadposition xxx} to a div with id, and use this id to add custom classes in your css. Id gives css class priority in css hierachy.

- If you use Calcbuilder as component, you could use cb_bootstrap as first selector in your css classes.

Also, maybe the simplest solutions, is changing JOOMLA/modules/mod_calcbuilder/assets/css/cbbootstrap.css

Hope this helps. Regards,

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