CalcBuilder Forum

Calculate with no results

User moon_1176 2013-07-18 01:24:00


perhaps you can help, I would love to use this exelent extension.
I have test it with your exemple Simple Calculator, when I give the two numbers and press calculate, nothing happens, developerTools shows me:
TypeError: CB is not a function
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected none-whitespace character after JSON data

I use Joomla 3.1, Widgetkid and Zoo from Yootheme, and Breezinforms on the site.

You can look at:

The same happens on my localhost, where I have installed jqueryEasy with no-conflicts.

What can I do?

Thanks in advanced

Moonsoft support 2013-07-18 09:41:06


This bug was solved in 2.1.11 version. Please upgrade and check it again.


User moon_1176 2013-07-18 11:22:36

Wow, that's great, this functions perfect,

thanks for your answer.

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