CalcBuilder Forum

New field can not be saved

User moon_1005 2013-04-04 18:41:08

Dear calc builder support:

I want to add new field but can not be saved after click the save button of joomla.
joomla 3.03
what is wrong here?


User moon_1005 2013-04-04 19:28:09

Dear calc builder support:

I found the problem,cause I typed some chinese characters to the name or value of filed, so it can not be saved,how can supprt multi language in calc builder?


Moonsoft support 2013-04-05 10:38:04


We tested Calcbuilder 3.0.3 (the last one) with Chinese characters and we get no errors. All fields accept chinese, russian, greek, english... characters. Only 'Variable' in 'Fields' should be written using english characters allowed by PHP ( But this not affect to frontend, it´s only for use inside 'Code'.

Please check that none of chinese characters are in 'Variable' fields.



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