CalcBuilder Forum

decimal points and calculation error

User moon_943 2013-03-13 15:35:09


I built a form, and added the decimal points in php as the commas and dec points weren't rendered even though I added in preferences.

I do have joomla 1.5 version. My calculations do else work fine, but not the last one:







Frontend result:

result_1 ok
result_2 ok
result_3 ok
ratio ok
result wrong


Anybody out there who can tell me what I did wrong?

Thank you in advance

Kind regards


Moonsoft support 2013-03-13 15:54:02


You´re trying to add $result_1 and $result_2 and so on to get $result. The problem is that $result_1 is a String, not a number. You should save $result_1 as number before applying number_format function and then use it.

Code looks like this:





Hope this helps.

User moon_943 2013-03-18 09:24:18

Thank you so much for helping! It's still not working right, unfortunately.
shouldnt that as well define the variables as numbers: $result_1=number_format($result_1,2,',','.');?

I know that if you try the calculation with 200 employees and 135 wage you finally should retrieve following numbers:


(1,2 % af den årlige lønomkostning)
Omkostninger: 499.500,00 kr. pr. anno
-> should be: 600.000,00

TOTAL= 108.054,00
-> should be: 763.620,00

Moonsoft support 2013-03-19 12:08:14


Number format is not used to define variables as numbers, but to format them. So, you only have to perform all calculations without using number_format function and once all results are calculated execute number_format function as the last lines of your calculators.


User moon_943 2013-03-19 14:36:52

Now I figured it out!

Thank you sooo much indeed :-)

Cheers from Denmark to lovely Spain


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