CalcBuilder Forum

Cyrillic symbols

User anonymous 2011-10-18 22:03:10


I was purshaced your module today, and have some problem with
exporting data from this.
How do i get Cyrillic sybmols displaying in the pdf file, right now they are displaying as "????" . Can you help me?

And second question. How i can translate to Russian language standard

How to remove 'Calculator from CalcBuilder' from exported data?

Moonsoft support 2011-10-18 22:03:40


Thanks for purchasing . We deployed a change for a user with specific greek language problem on pdf. Also, a russian client with the same problem used it and solved the same problem. So, we think this could be useful for you. In this link
you could download a zip with this files:

-view.epdf to override at the path: joomla\components\com_calcbuilder\views\calcbuilder
-folder tcpdf (new) to copy at the path: joomla\components\com_calcbuilder\views\calcbuilder
-tmpl\pdf.php to override at the path: joomla\components\com_calcbuilder\views\calcbuilder\tmpl

Please do a backup of your component before upload files.

To translate it to Russian language you can use language files. You can get en-GB.mod_calcbuilder.ini and en-GB.com_calcbuilder.ini from joomla\language folder, copy its content and create a new one for the module ru-RU.mod_calcbuilder.ini, other for component ru-RU.com_calcbuilder.ini and copy to the ru-RU folder in language folder. Now, you can translate these files to Russian. Also if you want to translate administration you should do the same in administration folder.

In order to remove 'Calculator from CalcBuilder' you can go to components\com_calcbuilder\views\calcbuilder\tmpl folder and check pdf.php and excel.php. Also if you want to remove from email you should check components\com_calcbuilder\models\calcbuilder.php.

Hope this helps. Regards,

Moonsoft support 2011-10-24 20:41:31

Thank you for your solution - it helps me. But for me still exist problem with export to .xls - Модель двери. Could you help with xls export?

Moonsoft support 2011-10-24 21:20:44

it's strange, excel is a file exported with same format as html on the page. Could you please send us a link to test on your site in order to check the output being generated?

Moonsof Team

Moonsoft support 2011-10-25 22:19:09

Sorry for the trouble. I forgot to purge cache. Now export works without any error. Thank you for quick reply.

Moonsoft support 2012-07-18 14:56:18


Thanks for purchasing . We deployed a change for a user with specific greek language problem on pdf. Also, a russian client with the same problem used it and solved the same problem. So, we think this could be useful for you. In this link
you could download a zip with this files:

-view.epdf to override at the path: joomla\components\com_calcbuilder\views\calcbuilder
-folder tcpdf (new) to copy at the path: joomla\components\com_calcbuilder\views\calcbuilder
-tmpl\pdf.php to override at the path: joomla\components\com_calcbuilder\views\calcbuilder\tmpl

Please do a backup of your component before upload files.


Comes in the mail

Ф.И.О. Данилов Владимир

Телефон 1231232 456456 54654

Сообщение Этот текст представляет собой информационное наполнение. Его необходимо заменить нужной Вам информацией.

This method does not work.
Help please!

Site -

Moonsoft support 2012-07-18 18:28:24

we just tested on your site, and we received the following email:

Ф.И.О. qwer

Телефон qwer


B_Lada Заполняйте форму, если необходимо переслать расчет по почте Ваш автомобиль:

Объем двигателя: V2_1600-2000 cm3

Марка машины Lada
Возможные варианты гарантии для вашего автомобиля
Срок Стоимость (руб.)
"1 Звезда"
3 Месяца 3 718 Руб.
6 Месяцев 5 805 Руб.
"3 Звезды"
12 Месяцев 7 625 Руб.
24 Месяца 25 490 Руб.
"5 Звезд"
12 Месяцев 20 704 Руб.
24 Месяца 39 454 Руб.

So it seems the output encoding it's working ok. Maybe your mail client is not configured to read utf-8 encoded emails?

Moonsoft support 2012-07-19 07:50:46

we just tested on your site, and we received the following email:

Ф.И.О. qwer

Телефон qwer

Does not work Cyrillic symbols.

Have you checked on the Latin!

Put in any field of Cyrillic string "Заполняйте форму, если необходимо переслать расчет по почте"

What happened?

Moonsoft support 2012-07-19 13:43:52

ok, so the encoding is lost only on typed text. (Sorry but we don't understand a word, we didn't noticed which where input fields :). Please find a new module build at downloads section, in order to preserve encoding of typed text when sending email. Uninstall only the old module and install new one. Your calculator won't be lost, but you should backup it with export option anyway.

Hope this helps, regards

Moonsoft support 2012-07-19 14:23:38

It works!

Thank you!


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