List Manager Forum

List Mgr 500 Error or Not loading

User moon_837 2012-12-12 05:05:48

Setup the Module for List Manager, connected to menu item and it would display table but not the data entered (5 test items) It would have a circle spinning that indicated loading but would never load. Tried making a menu item that was just a List Manager menu item and then linked the List Manager module to that menu item and return a 500 error. Been playing with this and reviewing forum for about 6 hours with no positive results.

Moonsoft support 2012-12-12 09:51:54

error 500 can be related to any conflict with any other installed extension. If you share your url (here or using a private ticket), we could take a look. Or you can check your server error file and let us know the message that is being printed everytime the error is thrown. It will give us a detailed explanation of the origin of the issue.

Thanks, regards


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