List Manager Forum

error in version 1.1.1 for J2.5?

User moon_679 2012-11-20 16:52:43

I removed my previous installation and setup a whole new table.
Now I'm using version 1.1.1 for Joomla 2.5

I've setup the table, enabled the component but I have blank page.
When I go to the table properties, and want to see a previeuw, it's fully loaded with data. The preview in the component is ok, the output on the front-end is blanco.
Even when I press 'show all' it's empty

Also in the Module Manager: Module mod_listmanager, under the "List Manager View Options" I've set the both email-fields to NO.
When I look at the front-end, there is still a emailfield under my (blanco) table.

User moon_679 2012-11-20 16:54:18

what's also funny about the blanco table: at the navigation bar, you can see that there is a total of 6 pages, although there is nothing to see

Moonsoft support 2012-11-20 17:39:29

we can see at your page the server is not recovering data from database , it's not printed because it simply isn't coming back (although is properly counted, as you can see at the page toolbar).
We are not able to reproduce here, but you mentioned you uninstalled previous release. Did you have the previous 1.1.0 showing the records at the front-end?. If so, which are the steps you followed to upgrade, did you loaded your data manually afterwards?

Thank you, regards

User moon_679 2012-11-20 17:43:55

My previous installation was version 1.0.0. My other topic concerning the editing of the CSS-file was for this version.

I saw on this website that there was a new version available, but I had to deinstall the previous version.
-> "Full Download. It´s not an upgrade of previous versions. Uninstall previous versions will delete all lists and configuration."
So I removed everything, installed the new version, and imported the data manuale (upload through .CSV-file"

Moonsoft support 2012-11-20 17:49:27

OK, for version 1.0.0 the css instructions are still valid, but there is one single file (default.css), where you can change styles, because version for J 3.x was not still created.

About the new installation, that's the right way to do it, so it may be related to the csv upload, we'll check and let you know if we can reproduce here.

Thank you, regards

User moon_679 2012-11-20 17:54:22

I just removed all data imported from the .CSV-file
and added mannualy some fresh data (just put TEST) in all fields
but even that is not working...

and what about the emailfield that stays visible, although I've put NO in the viewing options?

Moonsoft support 2012-11-20 18:46:16

OK, think we've found the cause for the missing data. Please download again version 1.1.1. Reinstall and check again your front-end in order to see if everything is working as expected now.


User moon_679 2012-11-22 18:44:46

Now it works great

thank you very much

Edited by moon_679 - 22.11.2012 18:50

Moonsoft support 2013-02-26 22:05:29

I also have this trouble. Followed same install process, I can see the list headings in my page but the data is blanco.

Edit: found "access control" in the module and set to full access, that shows the data now.

Edited by moon_682 - 26.02.2013 22:38

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