List Manager Forum

Order in view

User moon_789 2012-11-14 19:00:50

I've Another question, sorry ;)
It's possible to change order of fields in view ?

Thank you !

Moonsoft support 2012-11-14 19:04:53

It's ok, we are here to help :)

You can change the columns order at your list fields administration. The parameter 'order' at the end of each field configures the printing order for your columns.


User moon_789 2012-11-15 09:08:27

Yes, but if I created another view, in this view i've not this column order.

Moonsoft support 2012-11-15 09:28:22

Right, views inherit the order configured at the parent list. If you change order at your main list, all views will reflect the change as well when published.


User moon_789 2012-11-16 11:42:13

Ok, never mind.
I wanted to make a list with two different views whose fields have been in a different order.
Can be a feature for a future release, with csv import in front end ;)

In any case, thank you for your great support !!


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