List Manager Forum

Search not working

User moon_729 2012-10-03 13:14:59

search box appears, but does not work.

The List Manager Quick Guide says:

Searchable-Searchlink: Used with search plugin. If the list is marked 'searchabe', the search plugin will search inside list manager tables to locate the link.

Where do you mark the list 'searchable'?

Moonsoft support 2012-10-03 14:29:56

we are not sure if you mean the input search text at the top of the listmanager table or the plugin used to enable list data to be searched with default joomla search module. They are independent functions.

The input text search box at the top of the table should work regardeless of the list configuration, if you type inside and contents are not filtered, please place a ticket at helpdesk with the url for us to test if you have some issue at your site.

If you want to include your list data to be available to joomla search, you have to be sure you have installed and enabled the LM plugin. In addition, you have to enter your list configuration (the module or the menu item parameters you used to publish), and enable the parameter 'Searchable'. This will enable this list/view to be scanned by joomla search, and as a result, will print the link to your table or view (which you should enter at the parameter 'Search link').

Hope this helps, regards

User moon_729 2012-10-03 15:13:42

If you want to include your list data to be available to joomla search, you have to be sure you have installed and enabled the LM plugin. In addition, you have to enter your list configuration (the module or the menu item parameters you used to publish), and enable the parameter 'Searchable'. This will enable this list/view to be scanned by joomla search, and as a result, will print the link to your table or view (which you should enter at the parameter 'Search link').

I have installed the LM component
the mod
amd the plugin
I have enabled "Search - List Manager" in the Joomla plugin manager.
The search box I refer to is the one at the top of the table.
Entering a value contained in the table in the search box returns nothing.
How does one submit a ticket to the help desk?

Moonsoft support 2012-10-03 15:39:02

please enter the customer area (follow the top link 'Customer access')

same you entered to download the ext. You will find the helpdesk section where you can add a ticket in order to solve your issue.

Thank you, best regards
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