List Manager Forum

Choose Multiple options

User moon_654 2012-08-22 03:48:40


Is it possible to associate multiple options with one name?


I have name and committee the person serves on. I have people that serve on more than one committee and when I create a view would like to have them show on both views?

Moonsoft support 2012-08-22 10:06:39

although is already planned for next version of the extension, at this time you don't have available a field typed 'multioption' that allow selecting multiple values from a set for a single record..
In order to include the record in several views filtered by a column, you have the option to type the field as 'textarea', and write the values in different lines. Then you could create views filtering with the condition 'contains' , so if the value is present at the text the record will be included at the views.
This could be a workaround in the meantime. Hope this helps.

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