List Manager Forum

HMTL editor not working in firefox for Joomla 2.5

User moon_504 2012-06-09 18:02:29

Dear Support,

For some reason I cannot type anything in fields of type HTML editor using firefox and chrome browser. I am using joomla 2.5.4 and the TinyMCE editor.

Surprising the editor works well with internet explorer. I have also tried this with several defualt joomla templates

Please help


Moonsoft support 2012-06-10 16:24:30

please post any javascript error you are getting with firefox, and your editor version. We don't think that issue is related to listmanager code, as editors are instantiated with default functions they provide, but if you paste the error we'll try to help.

User moon_504 2012-06-10 18:49:11

Dear Support,

Unfortunately no error is shown

The editor works well when submitting and a joomla article from the frontend and backend.

Looking forward to your response


Edited by moon_504 - 11.06.2012 02:43

Edited by moon_504 - 11.06.2012 12:43

Moonsoft support 2012-06-11 10:23:52

your editor is loading ok, but at the time we apply the 'slide' effect to it's container to show the form , it breaks, seems a bug of the editor, tried another version of mce (3.4.7) and we get same behaviour. We suggest to post this to tinymce support to ask for a fix. Meanwhile, what we can do from here is to avoid using visual effect to show the form, you will find a modified file at customer access section (Static form display patch).
You won't see the smooth display of the form, but at least, you will have it working.

Moonsoft Team

User moon_504 2012-06-11 12:46:26

Dear Support,

Thanks, the patch works.

Also the editor is the default that comes with Joomla 2.5.4



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