List Manager Forum

import file

User moon_383 2012-05-26 16:58:43

I need to import file (pdf or txt or rtf or Html ecc) into a text area field of my site page.
For example I saved an excel sheet selected area in HTML therefore I copied into an HTML area field of Listmanager but It does not work properly. I read in my site page only the its code.
Is there other way I can import also in an automatic manner?
Thank you so much.

Moonsoft support 2012-05-27 10:19:21

text area field is a plain-text, so you will see exactly the text you introduce inside when creating/editing the record, although you will see your formatted text at the table if you introduce valid html inside.
But if you want to include at your list some html code, you should use the HTML field type instead, so you can use your editor to edit/paste html directly at it's html view.

Hope this helps, regards


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